RetroBar And Softwares Alternatives:
Top 1: DriverMax: is utility that allows to download the latest driver updates for your computer. In addition, DriverMax collects information about installed drivers in system and prints a list of devices that use them. Provides information about the driver version, date, developer, number of files and you have a digital signature. Then you can just export them to a separate folder or packed in ZIP-archive, and after reinstalling Windows to install everything you need from one source. With the Import Wizard can install all the saved drivers just 5 minutes. Thus, you no longer have to have at hand a lot of drives to different devices. DriverMax supports you to back up drivers before reinstalling... DriverMaxFull
Top 2: ProduKey: is a small utility that displays the ProductID and the CD-Key of Microsoft Office (Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007), Windows (Including Windows 8/7/Vista), Exchange Server, and SQL Server installed on your computer. You can view this information for your current running operating system, or for another operating system/computer - by using command-line options. This utility can be useful if you lost the product key of your Windows/Office, and you want to reinstall it on your computer. Supported Products List Microsoft Windows 98/ME Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows Server... ProduKeyFree Download
Top 3: WinToHDD: is a tool to help you install Windows without using USB or DVD, but via ISO file, helping you to install Windows as quickly as possible, without requiring complicated operations. WinToHDD supports reinstalling Windows, reinstalling Windows on another partition or creating a copy of the current Windows operating system and saving it on another hard drive. The method of installing the operating system using ISO is now quite popular, not only saving time but also minimizing errors and problems during the installation of Windows. Besides the installation, you can use the WinToHDD Portable version quite conveniently, just copy it to a USB and use it on any system. WinToHDD... WinToHDD latest version
Top 4: EaseUS Win11Builder: Win11Builder is a simple application that can create a bootable flash drive of Windows 11 without you having to download the OS disk images manually. EaseUS Win11Builder downloads the Windows 11 ISO files for you, taking into account your system’s architecture. Furthermore, you can use it to create your own bootable drive to deploy Windows 11 easily, bypassing the TPM 2.0 requirement. This application saves you the trouble of having to download the disk images manually, displaying the latest available version within its main window. Furthermore, it allows you to easily create a bootable USB drive to run Windows 11, even on an unsupported computer. If your system does not support... EaseUS Win11BuilderFree Download
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